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Postat: 11 feb 2012 19:19
av Göran
Nanotechnology in Ultima Car Care Products

Frequently presented as one of the brightest technologies of the future, interest in nanotechnology is growing worldwide. There are thousands of possible applications from health care to car care.

The word “nano” comes from Greek nanos, meaning “dwarf”. It is also an SI (International System of Units) prefix denoting a factor of 10−9, or 1-Billionth of a meter (a nanometer, abbreviated nm). To give you a point of relevance, the typical human hair is about 80,000 nm in diameter, which is 20,000 nm shy of 1 millimeter (mm). Seems pretty small, doesn't it? Well, don't get too impressed by the small size of a nanometer just yet. The simiconductor world, responsible for our computer and communications technology is already working in picometer technologies. A picometer is a Trillionth of a meter, or 10−12. Now that's small!

In car care, nanotechnology refers to the study, creation and application of molecular materials, in particular nano-coatings, with a particle size that is typically less than 100 nanometers. The significance of a polymer nano-coating is that is can form a very tight bond with the undulating surface of most substrates. All substrates used in the automotive arena, including glass, paint, plastic, rubber, aluminum, chrome, stainless steel, textiles, and leather will have many pits, fibers, valleys and unevenness when viewed under high magnification. These undulations allow a nano-coating to get a tight grip on the surface.

There are four reasons that nano-coatings are important in car care (surface care in general, actually):

1. The better "grip" a polymer can get on a surface (substrate), the less likely it will be that another substance or element can knock it off (break through the coating). This has a direct relationship with the coating's durability and tolerance to detergents and chemicals.

2. A nano-coating has a particle size that's smaller than water. As a result, nano-coatings are hydrophobic (lock water out).

3. A nono-coating fills micro-size pits in glossy surfaces, further improving the gloss.

4. Nano-particle UV inhibitors (Titanium Dioxide, for example) are perfectly clear, yet they absorb UV light energy.

Ultima sealant products, including Ultima Paint Guard Plus, Ultima Tire & Trim Guard Plus and Ultima Interior Guard Plus are premium, high-strength, polymer, nano-coatings. Each coating is designed to bond properly with the intended substrate. Ultima sealants will resist water, all forms of detergent, and all but the most extreme acids, alkaline chemicals and petroleum solvents.

When applied to paint and glass, Ultima Paint Guard Plus fills micro-size surface imperfections creating a surface the is flatter and smoother at the nano level. Each layer of Ultima Paint Guard Plus is 100 to 500 nm thick. With each additional coating your paint and glass become smoother and reflect light more perfectly. This is what creates the extreme shine.

We invite you to explore the Ultima difference for yourself.

Ultima... Clearly Different™

"You think I'm waxing my car here? No, my good man, I'm putting on a fresh coat of Ultima envy!"